Saturday, October 4, 2008


Our instructor, Brown, has some serious ink. Today, on a whim,I decided to try and capture some of it.

It happened by accident. He had started his WOD and I was snapping the same old pictures I've been snapping for months now... wall balls, kettlebells, etc. I decided to try something new and shoot him from the neck down. The first one I took was sorta interesting, but out of focus. (I'd been toying with manual focus a lot lately since I find that the auto focus doesn't lock on fast enough in low-light conditions.) I was using my 50mm lens so I put it in aperture priority mode and used a slightly smaller aperture (f/2.4) to give me some more wiggle room in focusing. Then I decided to use some flash, albeit diminished flash (by decreasing the exposure bias) to help fill in the light. I found that this was really tricky and my flash strength had to be adjusted down over the course of the WOD. Why? Because the sweatier somebody gets, the more reflection you get from your flash! Finally, after something like 50 tries, I got a decent full-back shot while he was doing kettlebell swings. Woohoo!

As for post-processing, I played around with it alot. I tweaked the color levels in GIMP (a subject for another day), then sharpened it, cropped it, and B&W filtered it in Picasa. The red filter really works wonders for bringing out tattoos, as I've mentioned before.

Here's another shot I took after many many attempts. I knew I wanted one showing both his calf and his full sleeves at the same time so the Sumo Deadlift High-pulls with the kettlebell were perfect for that. It took me a while before I got everything in focus (more or less), but it was worth it.

If you'd like to see the rest of the shots from today's WOD, as well as the color versions of these, go to Chewing Qat II.

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