Friday, February 20, 2009

Fingers Crossed........

Folks, it's that time again. This Saturday night I will be sitting cageside shooting the UWC Man "O" War event at George Mason University's Patriot Center. I'm especially excited about this event because, if all goes well, my pictures will be featured on another website with a pretty wide MMA audience. I'm a little superstitious so I'm not going to say too much more until after the event. The reality is that a lot of things could go wrong and I obsess about every single one of them. For instance, I may not get a good seat- it's entirely up to the promotions staff. If I don't get a good seat, then all I will get are pictures of a chain link fence and a blur of pink beyond it. So until I know my shots are golden, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed, hope everything works in my favor, and try not to jinx myself by giving too much away.

At any rate, check back on Sunday to see how things went, and wish me luck! Oh! And if you want to watch the event yourself, will be streaming it live. Here's the link. It's free, and you might even see me.... I'll be the chick wearing the stupid grin and taking pictures.

1 comment:

JDT said...

Mel you did great. We even have a few pictures of you in action that I will send. Even had a few of the other "Pro's" snap some pictures of you in action. Great job!!