Monday, September 29, 2008

Kettlebell still-life

From portraits to still-life....... I didn't have much time for photo-exploration today since I had to leave shortly after my WOD (so Brown gets credit for most of the shots from today's WOD; see link below) But I did find time for a quick still-life of some kettlebells that were lined up and waiting for the next heat to begin.

My preference would have been to use my 50mm lens to capture more light (and minimize the depth of field) but I didn't have time so I used the kit lens which was already on. I didn't want to use the flash so had to use a slightly longer exposure (1/30 sec) and a high ISO (1600). I set the camera on the mats and then selected the 2-sec time-delay exposure. This is a neat feature that waits 2 seconds after you've pressed the button before opening the shutter, minimizing vibrations from the button-press. It's not just for use when the camera is on a base; you can use it while hand-holding the camera, too. (I used this technique to take a night shot from the apartment in New York last week. Since I knew it was going to be a super-long exposure, I braced my arm against the window ledge, exhaled, and then used the 2-sec delay to minimize the resulting vibrations from my button-press.)

When I got home I darkened the kettlebell pic a bit using Picasa's Shadow feature but I still wasn't happy with it. I tried a few more effects before deciding on the Glow feature to give it a slightly softer look. I'm still not happy with the end result because of the noise (it's really pronounced in the full size image). But when I tried the de-speckle filter in GIMP, I just didn't like the final version.

So here is the semi-final version for now until my GIMP techniques become more sophisticated and I can clean up the noise to my liking. You can see the original uncropped shot for comparison as well as Brown's pics from the actual workout at Smoke Out.

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