Saturday, August 2, 2008


Brown got, like, NO sleep the night before. And he took it out on us in the form of a Tabata workout. When you do a Tabata, you do 8 reps of: 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. You record the number of reps on each set, and then here's the kicker- you only score the lowest number. So if your 8 sets of, say, sit-ups looked like this: 15-15-14-15-14-13-13-10, you would only score a "10" on that exercise. The magic formula is pacing, and consistency.

So we all suffered through our tabata workout (kettlebells, burpees, sit-ups, squats) while Brown kept time. Then it was his turn. Intent on getting the best score, he powered through it like a maniac. After beating Treefrog by one point, he collapsed and groaned a single word: "Bucket......" We produced a trash can for him and I snapped this shot fully intent on posting it on my blog, consequences be damned.

In all seriousness, I love this shot. It could easily be any one of us on any given day. And it symbolizes what my gym (and countless others like it) are all about: Never quitting. So the workout is hard? Good. So you feel like shit? Nobody cares. So you're gonna vomit? Try not to spew on the mats, thanks. It's all about setting a goal and then accomplishing it, no matter what, no excuses. If you can do that in the gym, you can do that anywhere.

See SucksForEverybody for more shots from this workout.

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