Saturday, July 26, 2008

Strength & Beauty

I love this shot. It was one of those chance photographs that just happened by accident. Treefrog had just finished a killer kettlebell workout and her daughter toddled over to meet her. The kettlebell was still next to her and there was nothing else in the field, making for the perfect un-cluttered shot. I thought about leaving it in color as the blue mat made for a uniform backdrop, but it was a little bright and washed out the skintones of the subjects. So I used Picasa's Filtered black & white and found a color that diminished the mat while highlighting her physique.

To me, this shot illustrates two things: the overt beauty found in a strong female physique, and the subtle strength and beauty found only in motherhood.

See more shots from today's workout at SuckageOnSaturday

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